Made in Chinese America
There is little fresh data about the scale of giving to benefit Asian Americans. Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP) is embarking on an effort to track foundation data on the subject. The final tally is not complete, but total giving to benefit Asian Americans will likely come in at less than 1 percent of all foundation grants, the group said.
To honor Professor Judy Yung's legacy (1946 - 2020), donations can be made to the Angel Island Immigration Foundation or plant memorial trees in a forest in need. Her many professional accomplishments include establishing the first Asian Public Library (Oakland) in America; breaking new ground on documenting the histories of the Immigration Station on Angel Island and Chinese women of America; and inaugurating the first courses in Asian American Studies at UC Santa Cruz.
Columbia University doctorate candidate and nurse Justin Tsui is doing god's work for the most vulnerable during the shutdown. He is also Chinatown born and raised. See details of his evening rounds on his GoFundMe page.
In light of the recent fire at the historic Mulberry Street building where the Museum of Chinese in America's archives were stored, please consider making a donation to help recover, repair and rebuild these irreplaceable records.